Black Hills                    Homeschool Co-op Untitled Header Image



What is a co-op?


We are a group of homeschooling families who have chosen to cooperate to provide a variety of educational and enrichment classes for primary and secondary age children in a safe and loving environment.  Everyone involved volunteers his/her time and talents to achieve creative excellence by serving each other through our strengths.


How old does my child have to be to partcipate in co-op?


Co-op classes are open to families whose oldest participating child is at least six years old AND in the first grade by September 1.  Nursery, preschool and kindergarten classes are provided for younger siblings only.


Are parents required to attend?


Yes. Since we are a true co-op and not a drop-off educational program, a child may not participate in the co-op unless his/her parent is on site.


What is the parent's role at co-op?


Parents are required to serve two periods in one of the following areas:  lead teacher, co-teacher, teacher’s assistant, nursery, floater or misc.  The Leadership Team will assign each parent a volunteer position if/when not teaching or in an administrative role.  Each parent will have one hour free.  Each attending family will also be assigned two weeks to help clean the building after co-op.


Can parents leave the building during their free hour?


Although parents may go outside the building during their free hour, they must remain on the church premises at all times.


Can I send my child to co-op with another family if I am unable to attend?


No. Because all of our volunteer positions are filled by our parents, each child must be accompanied by his/her parent or responsible person from outside the existing group of families who can fill the parent's service positions.


Does the co-op meet in the spring?


No. Black Hills Homeschool Co-op only meets for eight weeks each fall.